Saturday, February 9, 2013

Community Season Four Episode One "History 101"

Annnnnnd we're back....
Hello Human Beings! Yesterday we were finally graced with October 19th which means the new episode of Community. I was not disappointed. And I'm sure you weren't either. Because let's face's a new community episode. It could be 30 minutes of Chang staring straight into the camera and I'd still be happy.
But obviously that didn't happen.
We open on Tory and Abed with their famous tune and complete with a laugh track. Everyone has decided to jump on the hipster trend and started wearing fake glasses, because "It's cool...but also not?" Fred Willard guests stars in this episode and plays Pierce in our opening scene.

 Of course once Pierce shows up wearing his own hipster glasses, which for Pierce isn't vintage, but normality, everyone else takes them off.
Then we realize that this isn't our new network friendly Community, it's all in Abed's brain. Britta, who is clearly the worst as she is STILL wearing her hipster glasses, has decided to "therapize" Abed who is stressed out about it being the last, first day of school. She tells him to go to his happy place which is Abed TV.

Seriously this part made me so happy. Annie's boobs! Annie's purple pen! Evil Abed! Jeff and Britta making out! Fred Willard! So many memories.

So the group heads off onto their last, first day of school but of course, Jeff is late. They're all planning on taking the History of Ice Cream class, which would be the worst class if you were lactose intolerant. Pierce gets excited about being a's only taken him ten years. Annie has decided to let loose and play pranks, also stop using the letter 'g'. If she said Jeff would be Jeff Winner.....just sayin'.

The group finds out that the History of Ice Cream has been overbooked, but luckily Jeff has saved them all a seat. CRISIS ALERT! NEW JEFF! But then the Dean comes along and tells them that the seats were picked unfairly and so the school must compete in.....

THE HUNGER DEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then Jeff admits that he was busy over the summer taking classes so all he needs is this one history credit and he can graduate early. Everyone freaks out, Jeff apologizes for not telling them sooner, he says he was working on a speech for that. Maybe that's what he's texting all the time? He's just compiling speeches for future scenarios. To win The Hunger Deans you must play the games to compete for a red ball. Each red ball is a seat in the class. Jeff promises to get 7 balls so that the group can have one last class together. Abed begins to panic.

We are taken back into Abed TV where we learn that the Dean has lost the student records! Oh no! The group has to repeat the first three years all over again! .....this is literally every Community fan's dream. But in the real world we get to see asian Annie again as she competes along side Jeff for a red ball. Shirley and Annie are living life as seniors and pulling a prank on the Dean. Only in true Annie fashion her prank is moving everything on the Dean's desk an inch to the left, EXCEPT THE STAPLER. A prank on a prank. Genius. But Shirley decides they should pop popcorn in the Dean's car instead.

Britta and Troy, who are now dating, have decided to throw pennies in the wishing well (because every community college has a wishing well....and the history of ice cream....I love you Greendale.) and make some wishes for the new year. Britta britta's the wishes and chooses "to end all wars." Which gets Troy freaking out because...

In a great scene where Annie and Shirley are calmly filling the Dean's car with popcorn we realize that Abed isn't the only one scared of graduating, so is Annie. Meanwhile Jeff is still busy winning red balls and chooses the Dean as his partner in the next game; the tango. Abed disappears back into Abed TV where we find the group screwing up a freshman mixer and having season one type shenanigans. But oh no! Annie found the safe where the student records were held! Turns out they won't have to repeat the first three years after all. Community fans all around the world begin to cry.

Jeff, while dancing quite beautifully with the Dean, speaks aloud his realization that this was all just a big scheme put on by the Dean so that Jeff wouldn't graduate early. Dean faked the ice cream flyers and got rid of the only other history credit that Jeff could've taken. Oh Dean. I was very impressed with his many costume changes this episode. Can we get a counter going?

Currently on Abed TV, Abed is panicking again so Britta tells him to go into his happy place....inside his happy place. Which in turn leads to THE GREATEST TV SHOW EVER MADE;

COMMUNITY BABIIIIIEEEESSSSSS which is a never ending show that lasts forever and ever. Seriously, not only is Abed batman now, he is also the Community fandom in a nutshell. "Greendale babies will be back....FOREVER!"
In real, real life Britta realizes she's broken Abed, Jeff realizes that New Jeff is kind of sucky, and Leonard steals all their balls. Dammit Leonard. Troy tries to bring the group together to rescue Abed from Abed TV by getting inside Abed's mind.

Unfortunately that doesn't work, since no one in that group can read minds. But luckily in Abed TV; Greendale Babies, Baby Jeff is here to save the day and bring the group back together again.

Abed returns to the real world where we realize that actually Abed made up the speech and no one heard it. Yet it brings the group together again anyway so everyone is happy again. Hopefully this means Jeff won't graduate early, but who knows. The Dean shows up outside Jeff's apartment and lets him know that the real history class is back for the semester and SURPRISE! THEY'RE NOW NEIGHBORS. Sneaky Dean. I love it.
And in the last few minutes of the show we get the greatest news ever...


Did you love it or hate it? All I know is, WHO CARES CAUSE COMMUNITY IS BACK. And if you've seen the epic trailer for the rest of the season, our minds are going to be blown. The Halloween episode looks amazing, we might get to meet Jeff's dad?! Ahhhhhhhh......

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