Tuesday, February 19, 2013

After being jobless and a loser for three months, I go back to work next week. It's only for a month but it's better than nothing. So this is my last week of freedom for awhile. And how am I celebrating it? By staying up till 3 am and going to the library when I finally drag my ass out of bed. Also re-watching old seasons of parks and recreation, taking a virtual tour of Auschwitz simply because you can, making giant lists of things I never complete, and working on me and Oprah's project.

My biggest fear about going back to work? Having separation anxiety from my dog. I may have to set up some sort of answering machine in our bedroom so I can call and leave him messages multiple times during the day so he doesn't forget the sound of my voice. Or maybe I could just bring him with me; he's small, and a mute freak, I'm sure no one would notice. Although that might get me fired. And if I get fired from a TEMPORARY JOB....I will just give up on everything and beg for change outside of 7/11. Maybe someone will buy me a Monster.

The last little while has been completely uneventful. Although I did leave the house more times than I usually do so ya know...baby steps. Mitch's band played a show on Thursday. I always feel so out of place at those events simply because I shower. I also have no idea what anyone is talking about and usually just stand around awkwardly gazing off into the distance as if I'm thinking of something really important and therefore busy. My shoes got stuck to the floor. And I was scared to lean against the wall in case it either fell over or covered me in dirt. My 16 year old self would be horrified at how I've turned out. But you know what 16 year old Charlotte? You were kind of the worst. So...suck it. I live in Vancouver and have a boyfriend with a beard. HA!
We ended up biking there though which was really awesome, biking along the sea wall is kind of breath taking and you just get really sappy and emotional and end up having multiple conversations about how this city is better than everything else ever.

Our weekend was actually pretty awesome. If you consider the same things we do awesome. Friday night we had a yummy meal at Denny's where I ordered my usual; chicken fingers, whipped potatoes, garlic bread, french fries, and extra gravy. I wish I could eat that every day. But it's a lot of work and I hate cooking. We then wandered around Best Buy and EB Games and debated for hours over what video games to buy. We didn't buy any. Headed home with cheesies and monster and stayed up 'till 2am silently playing video games together. We are the best. Then we spent all day Saturday and Sunday playing more video games.

Obviously Sunday was the new Walking Dead episode which was amazing as usual. Because that show is flawless and beautiful and I cry every time I think about it. And Merle Dixon is my spirit animal. And Rick is so sexy and sad and sweaty in crazy town. UGH WHY IS THIS SHOW SO PERFECT?!

Our building's water is getting shut off all day tomorrow and I'm kind of freaking out about it for no reason. I just keep picturing myself dying of thirst and bathing in the toilet bowl water. But since it's turning back on at 5:30 pm, and I'm spending most of the afternoon at the library, I am clearly over worrying. Which is something I do extremely well. But I will be filling up multiple glasses and bowls of water to keep in the fridge just in case the apocalypse happens while this is all going down.

I'm also waging a battle between night time Charlotte and day time Charlotte. At night when I'm up super late I always get hungry and make food and just make this giant mess in the kitchen. I just think, it's okay, future Charlotte will clean it up in the morning. Then I wake up and I'm like UGH PAST CHARLOTTE YOU ARE THE WORST, clean up after yourself you slob. It's an on going battle. With insanity.

Anyway, late night ramblings over.
My head is pounding and I have a 6 part series on Auschwitz to watch. Because that's how I get down on a Monday night.
I just found an eyelash in my mouth.

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