Tuesday, February 19, 2013

After being jobless and a loser for three months, I go back to work next week. It's only for a month but it's better than nothing. So this is my last week of freedom for awhile. And how am I celebrating it? By staying up till 3 am and going to the library when I finally drag my ass out of bed. Also re-watching old seasons of parks and recreation, taking a virtual tour of Auschwitz simply because you can, making giant lists of things I never complete, and working on me and Oprah's project.

My biggest fear about going back to work? Having separation anxiety from my dog. I may have to set up some sort of answering machine in our bedroom so I can call and leave him messages multiple times during the day so he doesn't forget the sound of my voice. Or maybe I could just bring him with me; he's small, and a mute freak, I'm sure no one would notice. Although that might get me fired. And if I get fired from a TEMPORARY JOB....I will just give up on everything and beg for change outside of 7/11. Maybe someone will buy me a Monster.

The last little while has been completely uneventful. Although I did leave the house more times than I usually do so ya know...baby steps. Mitch's band played a show on Thursday. I always feel so out of place at those events simply because I shower. I also have no idea what anyone is talking about and usually just stand around awkwardly gazing off into the distance as if I'm thinking of something really important and therefore busy. My shoes got stuck to the floor. And I was scared to lean against the wall in case it either fell over or covered me in dirt. My 16 year old self would be horrified at how I've turned out. But you know what 16 year old Charlotte? You were kind of the worst. So...suck it. I live in Vancouver and have a boyfriend with a beard. HA!
We ended up biking there though which was really awesome, biking along the sea wall is kind of breath taking and you just get really sappy and emotional and end up having multiple conversations about how this city is better than everything else ever.

Our weekend was actually pretty awesome. If you consider the same things we do awesome. Friday night we had a yummy meal at Denny's where I ordered my usual; chicken fingers, whipped potatoes, garlic bread, french fries, and extra gravy. I wish I could eat that every day. But it's a lot of work and I hate cooking. We then wandered around Best Buy and EB Games and debated for hours over what video games to buy. We didn't buy any. Headed home with cheesies and monster and stayed up 'till 2am silently playing video games together. We are the best. Then we spent all day Saturday and Sunday playing more video games.

Obviously Sunday was the new Walking Dead episode which was amazing as usual. Because that show is flawless and beautiful and I cry every time I think about it. And Merle Dixon is my spirit animal. And Rick is so sexy and sad and sweaty in crazy town. UGH WHY IS THIS SHOW SO PERFECT?!

Our building's water is getting shut off all day tomorrow and I'm kind of freaking out about it for no reason. I just keep picturing myself dying of thirst and bathing in the toilet bowl water. But since it's turning back on at 5:30 pm, and I'm spending most of the afternoon at the library, I am clearly over worrying. Which is something I do extremely well. But I will be filling up multiple glasses and bowls of water to keep in the fridge just in case the apocalypse happens while this is all going down.

I'm also waging a battle between night time Charlotte and day time Charlotte. At night when I'm up super late I always get hungry and make food and just make this giant mess in the kitchen. I just think, it's okay, future Charlotte will clean it up in the morning. Then I wake up and I'm like UGH PAST CHARLOTTE YOU ARE THE WORST, clean up after yourself you slob. It's an on going battle. With insanity.

Anyway, late night ramblings over.
My head is pounding and I have a 6 part series on Auschwitz to watch. Because that's how I get down on a Monday night.
I just found an eyelash in my mouth.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Community Season Four Episode One "History 101"

Annnnnnd we're back....
Hello Human Beings! Yesterday we were finally graced with October 19th which means the new episode of Community. I was not disappointed. And I'm sure you weren't either. Because let's face it....it's a new community episode. It could be 30 minutes of Chang staring straight into the camera and I'd still be happy.
But obviously that didn't happen.
We open on Tory and Abed with their famous tune and complete with a laugh track. Everyone has decided to jump on the hipster trend and started wearing fake glasses, because "It's cool...but also not?" Fred Willard guests stars in this episode and plays Pierce in our opening scene.

 Of course once Pierce shows up wearing his own hipster glasses, which for Pierce isn't vintage, but normality, everyone else takes them off.
Then we realize that this isn't our new network friendly Community, it's all in Abed's brain. Britta, who is clearly the worst as she is STILL wearing her hipster glasses, has decided to "therapize" Abed who is stressed out about it being the last, first day of school. She tells him to go to his happy place which is Abed TV.

Seriously this part made me so happy. Annie's boobs! Annie's purple pen! Evil Abed! Jeff and Britta making out! Fred Willard! So many memories.

So the group heads off onto their last, first day of school but of course, Jeff is late. They're all planning on taking the History of Ice Cream class, which would be the worst class if you were lactose intolerant. Pierce gets excited about being a senior....it's only taken him ten years. Annie has decided to let loose and play pranks, also stop using the letter 'g'. If she said Jeff Winger....it would be Jeff Winner.....just sayin'.

The group finds out that the History of Ice Cream has been overbooked, but luckily Jeff has saved them all a seat. CRISIS ALERT! NEW JEFF! But then the Dean comes along and tells them that the seats were picked unfairly and so the school must compete in.....

THE HUNGER DEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then Jeff admits that he was busy over the summer taking classes so all he needs is this one history credit and he can graduate early. Everyone freaks out, Jeff apologizes for not telling them sooner, he says he was working on a speech for that. Maybe that's what he's texting all the time? He's just compiling speeches for future scenarios. To win The Hunger Deans you must play the games to compete for a red ball. Each red ball is a seat in the class. Jeff promises to get 7 balls so that the group can have one last class together. Abed begins to panic.

We are taken back into Abed TV where we learn that the Dean has lost the student records! Oh no! The group has to repeat the first three years all over again! .....this is literally every Community fan's dream. But in the real world we get to see asian Annie again as she competes along side Jeff for a red ball. Shirley and Annie are living life as seniors and pulling a prank on the Dean. Only in true Annie fashion her prank is moving everything on the Dean's desk an inch to the left, EXCEPT THE STAPLER. A prank on a prank. Genius. But Shirley decides they should pop popcorn in the Dean's car instead.

Britta and Troy, who are now dating, have decided to throw pennies in the wishing well (because every community college has a wishing well....and the history of ice cream....I love you Greendale.) and make some wishes for the new year. Britta britta's the wishes and chooses "to end all wars." Which gets Troy freaking out because...

In a great scene where Annie and Shirley are calmly filling the Dean's car with popcorn we realize that Abed isn't the only one scared of graduating, so is Annie. Meanwhile Jeff is still busy winning red balls and chooses the Dean as his partner in the next game; the tango. Abed disappears back into Abed TV where we find the group screwing up a freshman mixer and having season one type shenanigans. But oh no! Annie found the safe where the student records were held! Turns out they won't have to repeat the first three years after all. Community fans all around the world begin to cry.

Jeff, while dancing quite beautifully with the Dean, speaks aloud his realization that this was all just a big scheme put on by the Dean so that Jeff wouldn't graduate early. Dean faked the ice cream flyers and got rid of the only other history credit that Jeff could've taken. Oh Dean. I was very impressed with his many costume changes this episode. Can we get a counter going?

Currently on Abed TV, Abed is panicking again so Britta tells him to go into his happy place....inside his happy place. Which in turn leads to THE GREATEST TV SHOW EVER MADE;

COMMUNITY BABIIIIIEEEESSSSSS which is a never ending show that lasts forever and ever. Seriously, not only is Abed batman now, he is also the Community fandom in a nutshell. "Greendale babies will be back....FOREVER!"
In real, real life Britta realizes she's broken Abed, Jeff realizes that New Jeff is kind of sucky, and Leonard steals all their balls. Dammit Leonard. Troy tries to bring the group together to rescue Abed from Abed TV by getting inside Abed's mind.

Unfortunately that doesn't work, since no one in that group can read minds. But luckily in Abed TV; Greendale Babies, Baby Jeff is here to save the day and bring the group back together again.

Abed returns to the real world where we realize that actually Abed made up the speech and no one heard it. Yet it brings the group together again anyway so everyone is happy again. Hopefully this means Jeff won't graduate early, but who knows. The Dean shows up outside Jeff's apartment and lets him know that the real history class is back for the semester and SURPRISE! THEY'RE NOW NEIGHBORS. Sneaky Dean. I love it.
And in the last few minutes of the show we get the greatest news ever...


Did you love it or hate it? All I know is, WHO CARES CAUSE COMMUNITY IS BACK. And if you've seen the epic trailer for the rest of the season, our minds are going to be blown. The Halloween episode looks amazing, we might get to meet Jeff's dad?! Ahhhhhhhh......

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hello fellow nerds,
It is 1 am and I am wide awake as per usual. Although I usually don't post these late night blogs 'till the next day when people are actually awake to read it.
A few exciting things have happened in the past few days. I have a new job opportunity and am now just waiting for work. So very soon hopefully I will back on the 9-5 grind and sleeping at normal hours.....maybe. I can pay off my bills and finally get my shit together. I can kick stress in the butt.

I have a book coming out soon available for purchase through amazon. It is a small collection of some of my poems. I am so excited for this, grateful for the opportunity, and more than a little nervous to let everyone read my poems. BUT it's a step in the right direction. I will post the link up on this blog when it all comes together and is available for purchase. And if this one sells, I will probably consider releasing another small book of poems.

It is now only a week until the new Walking Dead episode. And yes this counts as something exciting happening in my life because I am a giant TWD nerd and prouuuuudddd. Sunday they released the two minute sneak peak of episode 3X09 and I cried like a baby. Much like I have cried like a baby throughout all the previews that have been released. I won't speak about it here since I understand some people are not as obsessed with spoilers as I am and avoid them like the plague. BUT....we are in for one hell of an episode. And second half of the season. Now if only my Rick Grimes action figure would arrive in the mail in time........#amazongodshearmycall #hashtaggingoutsideoftwitter
Then I can have Shane and Rick reunited and besties again.

I feel like I'm one of the only Shane fans out there. I took part in an interesting discussion the other night, the question posed was "What would the group dynamic be like now if Shane had never died?" I put a lot of thought into it and I have to say that Shane would fit in with the group now far better than he did in season two. If you think about it; the decisions being made and actions being taken in season 3 are mirror images of the ones Shane made in season 2. Only in S2 Shane was frowned upon for making those tough calls. And as much as I love me some Rick Grimes, homeboy is losing his mind. And maybe Shane lost his a long time ago, but if the two of them were in the prison together, they would have each other's back in the calls being made. I also like to imagine Daryl, Rick, and Shane as this unstoppable force and they're all the three best friends that anyone could have.....

Oprah and I are also currently involved in a little project which is really exciting and fun. It's part of the reason I am up so late. I am honored to be working with my best friend of ten years on this project and whether it ends up going nowhere or it ends up working in our benefit, I don't care. 'Cause I love that silly bitch, and together we are unstoppable. I will speak more about this project later when it's a little more evolved.

So basically my life is finally coming together, I'm feeling very positive and upbeat about the places I am going and looking forward to the rest of 2013 being as great as it already has been.

I spoke to my papa on the phone on Sunday who I have posted about here before, (check out his fashion blog HERE and his food blog HERE) about book and film reviews. I was reluctant to post them because I can't see why anyone would care what I have to say. But basically (and I'm dumbing down the conversation completely) he said fuck it, post whatever you want, it's your blog.

With that being said, I'm going to post a little review for The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor in a day or so since this entry has turned into a TWD fap post and because I just started the sequel and am really excited. And also because those books get a lot of hate and it is not needed.

ALSO (repetition wheeee) I'm re-watching season two and Herschel just shouted "GET OFF MA LAND" and I always laugh because I'm like Herschel...this ain't the 30's...get your head outta your ass. PS; Spoiler alert Herschel; you're going to lose a leg. Have fun you grumpy old man.

Goodnight ya'll (or good day....obviously...)