Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hello fellow plain eaters and bloggers who came here by accident,
I have had a relatively exciting life for the past week, and now it has gone back to the way I like it; plain and boring.
The casualties of my titillating week are many. Starting with an aggressive bug who took advantage of my sleeping body to eat my lower back. Which in turn caused an allergic reaction that made me look like I had chicken pox and had to leave work early because I couldn't stop scratching. Customers don't want help from an itchy sales woman.
Secondly I became very ill exactly 48 hours before my vacation to Vegas and it lasted through the entire trip. In fact I'm pretty sure I just coughed up the last bit of phlegm this morning. Farewell cold!
And now I have learned a valuable lesson that you should not leave giant blisters on the bottom of your feet to "heal" on their own. Both my feet are currently wrapped up in bandages because after going at them with a pin to get rid of all the bacteria they are now too sore to walk on without mucho padding.

Vegas was extremely fun though. I ate like a fat American, took photos like a European tourist, and cried like the skinny white girl I am at Criss Angel. I saw some bad ass sharks in honor of my second favorite time of year; Shark Week. And got to spend some quality time with the fam. Being the paranoid parrot that I am, I packed half the pharmacy in case of any kind of sickness/injury. Luckily my step sister is becoming a paramedic so she is bracing herself for calls at least twice a week asking if "this is normal" or "am i dying?"

Probably one of my favorite moments was overhearing a mother scolding her child for throwing up in the buffet line. "You didn't need that last cookie!" And then discovering the pile of vomit while I filled my own plate with piles of cookies and cakes.

...I did not case you were wondering.
I have only thrown up once in my entire life and I would rather suffer from infected blisters on both feet than throw up ever again. But perhaps I will save that story for another day.

My work has been going through some drastic changes over the past month. We have two new managers who are middle aged men that seem to both know all the words to the Lady Gaga songs that play on the radio, and crack terrible jokes. The two new guys I was hired alongside have both quit and we have now hired two new young girls who exclude me from their conversations because I am a weirdo and cannot interact with coworkers. I do not have a brain filter. A lot of people have problems with this.
This morning I took part in my first work rally. This involved being at a movie theater at 7:30 am to not see a movie but to sit in a hot theater surrounded by people I have never met all yelling and showing far too much energy. One of the big bosses showed inspirational sports videos, handed out BC Lions tickets, and yelled a lot. There was even a guy dressed in a lion suit.
At one point they made us all roar and do the wave.
....Did I mention this was at 7:30 in the morning?

Tomorrow I start my new position in the company; I am back to being a receptionist. Only at my work we call it customer service. I am pretty excited to be able to hide behind a phone and be a socially awkward penguin again. I also get to sit on a comfy office chair all day and have Saturdays off.

In other boring news Mitch departed to Edmonton this morning and will be back on Thursday with our dog! Which means I have 5 days in which to do nothing and some more nothing. I decided to treat myself to some cheap seasons from Walmart and am now spending my free time watching Season 5 of Criminal Minds and Supernatural, Season 1 of Dead Like Me and Grey's Anatomy, and Season 1 and 2 of Smallville. I also have to dog proof our home and not panic about unsub's breaking into my house while I am sleeping, eating, peeing etc. I wish I was kidding when I say that I will be sleeping with scissors under my pillow under Mitch returns.

 I shall now retreat back to the couch, watch Criminal Minds, lock all my doors and windows, and wait for it to be a later hour that now where I am not embarrassed to fall asleep and feel like an old lady.

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