Friday, July 27, 2012

Hello dear friends,
It has been two weeks since my last (confession) post and I regret nothing. Since...well...I actually haven't done anything. Work consumes my life because I let it. Although yesterday Mitch took me to a baseball game where he got horrifically sun burnt and my nose gained a new layer of red skin. It was all very exciting although I was devastated at the cost of a bottle of water. $4!!!!!!!!!!! That's most of my bus fare to get to and from work. Then I started to panic because I am a paranoid parrot and was convinced I would get heat stroke. But Mitch saved the day by finding an empty $4 water bottle on the ground which I filled from the bathroom tap. Poor living, my friends, can't beat it. All you yuppies paying for $4 water...HAH!

Then we walked to the beach and debated over the meaning of SPF, which we then googled, and realized we were both wrong. At the beach we reflected on living in BC and how lucky we were and then we got all sappy and took a photo. The walk back was brutal because I was tired and thirsty and wasn't wearing socks. But we ventured through the west end and planned our future and drooled over the apartments/houses. We will live there! Even if it kills us. Which it may, because Surrey is a knife wound waiting to happen.

All in all that was the most exciting thing that's happened to me since my last update because I am apparently incapable of having fun without the help of Mitch. Although I did watch a Supernatural episode that had Robert Englund in it which was probably the highlight of my last weekend.
Today Mitch and I watched the Olympic opening ceremonies and I got emotional during Hey Jude and felt proud of the country I was from. Then it was over and I was over it. I also ventured to the library and picked up my next three weeks worth of books. The librarian kept walking by me and looking confused when I would be sprawled out on the floor with a giant pile of books and my purse at the other end of the aisle.
....I thought everyone treated a library like their own at home?
....Doesn't everyone have a library at home?
Although mine is a poor excuse since I only have one book shelf and it is broken. Books are literally piled up everywhere in that tiny room. Still a library though. Maybe I shall share pictures one day....but probably not.

My room mates and Mitch are out tonight and I am here on the couch with a towel on my head getting ready to watch a Haunting in Connecticut and having the shit scared out of me and then going to bed only to be too scared to sleep and then wake up early for work and regret everything. Including that run-on sentence.

Now feel free to enjoy my next horror movie suggestions that will probably not scare you and you will probably hate.


But you know what, Signs is one of my favorite movies ever. And sure, maybe me and Oprah are the only people in the world who actually like 80% of Mr. S's movies but that's okay....because we love them enough for the rest of the world.
This movie is flawless.
Basically it's a widowed father who lives with his two kids and his brother in a house in the middle of a corn field. They wake up one morning to find a huge crop circle and then all this weird shit starts happening around the house. Turns out it's aliens, and they're all over the world watching and waiting.
But this movie just has some of the most amazing scenes. Like when Joaquin Pheonix's character is watching the news and the alien appears out of the bushes. SCARED ME SO BAD THE FIRST TIME. (And pretty much every time after that ever). Or when Mel Gibson and Joaquin are running around the outside of the house trying to scare off what they think are kids playing pranks. Or when Mel comes home to find all three of them wearing tin foil hats. Or when the girl at the pharmacy confesses her sins to Mel.
Maybe I'm just tainted by all the good memories of watching this film over and over again with Oprah or even the first time I saw it in Florida at the theater with my parents. I came home after and was trying to fall asleep when I saw a shadow that looked like long, skinny fingers drift across my closed blinds. And then I heard a *tap tap tap* against the window pane. I shot out of bed, hid in the closet, and was pretty much convinced that aliens had found me and this was the end. Then I realized it was the sprinkler system hitting my window and that the shadow was, yep you guessed it, a tree.
But my life flashed before my eyes.
This movie is just so great, and I think it's completely underrated because people assume it's garbage. It's not! The script is flawless, there's some really funny moments, there's some heart felt moments, sad moments etc.
I love it. Oprah loves it. And my mom also loves it.
Therefore....nothing else matters.

I totally missed the whole viral campaign for this movie and I regret that. On the plus side though when I finally watched it, I had no idea what it was about. And I instantly fell in love. As soon as the statue of liberty's head hit the sidewalk I was like THIS IS GOOD TO GO!
In case you live under a rock, this movie is set in NYC and is filmed on a hand held camera. There's a going away party happening when all of a sudden BOOM a big monster comes to terrorize the city. We watch as friends try and survive the attack and get to safety while also on a rescue mission to get their other friend who decided to live on the highest floor possible of an apartment building. Then everyone dies. The end.
The only thing I don't like about this movie is how quickly you see the monster. It's like half an hour in. And that's a pet peeve of mine. But the monster itself is pretty bad ass. Also J.J. Abrams produced it so you know it's solid gold.
It's not really scary, it just leaves a bad feeling in your stomach at the end when you start to put yourself in the character's situation and wonder what you would've done. Also I watched it while on the top floor of an apartment building. I remember looking out over the balcony at the city around me and thinking, I'm so fucked.

An Alfred Hitchcock CLASSIC. Also the first movie of his I ever saw. I remember watching it with my mom on the couch when I was pretty young and being scared so bad that I pretended I had to pee every 10 minutes to hide in the bathroom. But now it is a favorite for me and my mom and we like to watch it and talk in dramatic tones and look vaguely into the distance.
A woman purchases some love birds in a pet shop for a handsome man and then heads over to his town to give them to him. But she is randomly attacked by a sea gull and in turn is invited to stay by the handsome fellow. Over the next few days flocks of birds start attacking the people of this town and it gets more and more viscous until the handsome fellow, his family, and the beautiful woman are trapped inside a home while birds reign down upon them. Then all of a sudden they decide to escape and manage to do so without the birds attacking. It is never explained why the birds go crazy or why they stop.
What makes this movie so creepy is not only crows (which is a personal fear of mine that stemmed from this movie) but the fact that there is no background music which most horror movies lean on to scare you. This creates such an ominous feeling that you don't even stop to think....why are seagulls able to kill people? They're not that tough!
Also it's Alfred Hitchcock and he is a genius.
If you haven't seen this horror classic then you cannot call yourself a horror movie fan. Yeah, I'm getting pretentious....sue me.
But seriously, get your shit together.

I was going to do 5 reviews but my computer is about to die and I'm too lazy to get my charger. So goodnight ya'll! 

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