Thursday, March 9, 2017

Digging up the Marrow (2014) - I LOVED THIS FILM


Just because something doesn't look like us or look like everybody else doesn't mean that it's scary. I mean, my whole life I've only wanted to see a real monster. You know, like when I was little I'd look under my bed, I'd look in the closet, not cause I was afraid but because I wanted it to be real.

Director Adam Green is making a documentary about William Dekker, a retired detective who has contacted him claiming to have proof of real monsters. While at first Green is skeptical, Dekker is strange enough to be believable. Dekker tells him all about a place called the Marrow where the monsters hide. The monsters are really, according to him, deformed humans who have hidden from society. Dekker takes Green and his cameraman out to the Marrow where they wait to get a glimpse of these real life monsters. But is it all a figment of Dekker's imagination? Or is it possible that monsters truly are real?

Guys...I LOVED this movie. This was right up my alley. Adam Green has a great resume including Frozen which I watched for the first time in October and fell in love with. Obviously in this movie he's playing a sort of parody of himself but it's so fun to watch. There's so many little nods and jokes and plays heavily on the idea that...we all love horror so much, but what if it was real? What if monsters were real? Logically wouldn't we be super excited about that? Green just wants monsters to be real and when he finally sees one he's thrilled. But of course, no one believes him, even when he shows the footage. Everyone just complains about the lighting or asks him who does his effects. BUT THEY'RE REAL. But of course no one believes him.

It's a really fun ride through the film. Dekker is played by Ray Wise who does such a phenomenal job. You really flip back and forth - at first you're skeptical of Dekker, then you want to believe him, then you think he's nuts, then you just so badly want it to be true.

The monsters were created by artist Alex Pardee and the illustrations shown are so amazing and when you finally get to see the monsters come to life it's really something special.

What did I like?
  • It was actually super spooky! The scene where the first monster appears really took me off guard, and any time after that a monster appeared it was shocking. It is a pretty slow paced movie in the sense that it's documentary style then all of a sudden horror happens, so every time you're caught off guard.
  • The monsters...I mean goddamn. Those monsters. So amazingly done and so scary and spooky and I just want t-shirts and art work of all of them pasted all over my house and body.
  • Adam Green was delightful.
  • Ray Wise was a powerhouse and Dekker's story is actually so emotional.
  • I loved the ending!

What didn't I like?
  • Nothing, I actually loved this film you guys! I don't know if you can tell?!

Solid 10/10. Not for everyone, I respect that. But this was exactly all the things I love and when I saw the trailer for the first time a few years ago I just knew I would love it. And I was not let down. I'm just mad it took me so long to finally watch it. Big shout out to Shudder for always having the best collection.

Stay Spooky!

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