Monday, December 19, 2016

Stephen King mass news post...I'M UPDATING YOU!

Bet you thought I'd fallen into a volcano and died in Kauai. Well...I didn't. But I did come home to a lot of work and then Christmas shopping and then crying because I'm poor and then Star Wars happened and I blacked out for a bit....


Let's talk about some horror news since I promote that I share that stuff and then never do.....

Honestly, this blog and my life is a mess but that's why you guys love me right? RIGHT?!

Today we're going to delve into some Stephen King news because ya'll know he's my fav and we've got a lot going on right now. It feels like they're adapting every single story they can get their hands on.

But first I would like you to view the following photo because it is my new favorite photo of all time and is currently my phone background:

Stephen and Molly aka the Thing of Evil. And if you don't think I day dream about my corgi Obie becoming best friends with Molly, you don't know me at all.

Obviously next year we'll be getting IT and The Dark Tower, but could a possible biopic be in our future? 
It wouldn't be surprising after all and recently it's been released that there are currently TWO King biopic scripts on the black list. This is a list of the hottest, unproduced screenplays which are just waiting to be picked up. One script is set in the 70's and the other 80's. The first one, currently titled Kings of Maine sounds like more of before pic and would follow King as he attempts to complete Carrie.

The second script is called Maximum King! and honestly sounds pretty bad. It's described as "outlandish and surreal" and follows King directing Maximum Overdrive. Which we all know was a coke fueled fit of madness.

Hmmmm...might still be too soon for a King biopic considering my boy is still pumping out books yearly and shows no sign of stopping. But if ya'll need someone to direct or be a consultant, you know where to find me.

Next up on the 'Stephen King to be made' is Revival, a wonderful book that came out in 2014. And honestly this book gave me so much joy because it felt like old school King in every way. Briefly - it follows a Preacher who has lost his faith after his wife and child are killed in an accident. He becomes obsessed with the healing power of electrical currents and becomes a faith healer on the carnival route.

Josh Boone, who was attached to The Stand remake but is now putting that on the back burner, will be working on this. And guess who they're looking at for the lead role.....Russell Crowe. I can totally see that. Boone is currently working on New Mutants though so this might not be for awhile yet.

Another adaptation you say? Why yes! And this time it's Mr. Mercedes which I hated the first time I read it and loved the second time. Hated is a strong word. I didn't hate it. I just...I was angry it was a trilogy and it felt very....un-king-like. But once the trilogy came together I was back on board and now I love all three of those books. This adaptation will be a drama series following a killer who taunts a retired police detective. It's been announced Kelly Lynch will play the killer's mother which is an incredibly interesting role. Anton Yelchin was also set to star in this series but since 2016 is the year to end all years, he tragically passed away. Brendan Gleeson has also been cast as I'm assuming Bill Hodges which is AMAZING. Spot on casting.

The Dark Tower film has been delayed from February until July. And if it's to give the movie more attention before releasing it, I'm fully supportive of this. While this is not a direct adaptation of the books it will be continuation. Which I'm not sure what that really means just yet. But I'm EXCITED.

The casting is incredible - Idris Elba (who I met on a plane once!!!!), Matthew McConablahblahblah and Jackie Earle Haley. But I am crossing my fingers and toes for the success of this one.

1922 is currently being adapted by Netflix which is some bad ass news. 1922 is FUCKED UP. It's a short story/novella situation and it is creepy as hell. I don't even want to give you a synopsis for fear of ruining it...just read it. Netflix has announced that Thomas Jane (from The Mist) is joining and so is Molly Parker. They're about to start filming here in Vancouver!!

Another King/Netflix combo coming is Gerald's Game which makes me cringe because I don't think anyone could adapt this book. I'm willing to be proven wrong but I'm pretty confident I won't be. Gerald's Game is literally one woman handcuffed to a bed for the entirety of the book. It's an amazing story, don't get me wrong, although I read it for the first time when I was waaaay too young and had a lot of questions. But for a movie? Give me a break. The only hope I have? It's being directed by Mike Flanagan. That man is incredible.

Obviously we've got the IT remake coming next year which I am incredibly excited for. Instead of being set in the 1950's and 1980's, it will be the 80's and present day and it will be released in two parts just like the original TV miniseries. Last I heard it was being previewed to select audiences but I want to go in completely unbiased and nonjudgmental so fingers crossed this King fan will be happy.

That's it for me tonight. Christmas is this Saturday and then Mitch leaves to Edmonton on Boxing Day leaving me with the dogs alone for a week. I'm thinking of planning some sort of 5 day horror movie binge to watch all the ones I missed this year. But I'm not making any promises cause I'm the worst but I'll keep you updated!

Stay spooky!

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