Friday, May 20, 2016


I'm interrupting your regularly scheduled programming to tell you to watch this horror short....because HOLY SHIT IS IT CREEPY AND PERFECT!!!

Seriously, the quality of shorts coming out lately are just blowing my mind. And if I were a smarter woman I would compile them into this blog for you to watch. But I am not that person. So instead you get to watch this one and then go find some more because WOW.

Debuting on Blumhouse today, The Smiling Man is a terrifying short written and directed by A.J. Briones, a visual effects artist. Recently it won quite a few amazing awards from going around the festival circuit including "Best Short Film" and "Best Director". The director himself describes this short as an "exercise in tension building" and wanted to be able to tell a story "purely with visuals".

He also describes it as "a woman's introduction into the world of men" which is a fascinating look at the world we live in today. There was a reddit thread awhile ago that asked women when was the first time they noticed men looking at them, the vast majority of them said they first experienced it around the age of 9 - 12. That is horrifying! Luckily, I grew up on very protected army bases and lived a wonderful sheltered childhood so I am grateful to never have experienced a leering man myself until I was in my late teens. This short is a great and sad play on our culture.

The director obviously prefers you get to view it with an audience and experience it properly so if you're lucky enough to be in the right area, The Smiling Man will be playing at Crypticon Seattle, International Horror Hotel, and Calgary Horror Con.

Watch the short below:

Yesterday graced us with a new trailer for The Purge which comes out very soon (July 1st) and oh boy I am so excited!! The slogan "Keep America Great" is such a fun play on Trump's terrifying "Make America Great Again" and the proud announcement of everyone in the trailer, "I Purged" is such a great marketing campaign. It seems to me each Purge movie gets better and better, they're finally finding their feet and they're just fucking sprinting with it now.

In the third chapter, over 12 hours of the annual purge, we watch as Leo Barnes (from The Purge Anarchy) tries to protect Senator Charlie Roan. Charlie is running her campaign on the idea of stopping the purge completely, but of course the higher ups don't want this to happen. While protecting Charlie during the evening of the purge, a betrayer in the team forces Charlie and Leo onto the streets as they attempt to survive the night.

The trailer shows us lots of new footage and the costumes in this sequel look just AMAZING! They're really going all out this time I think and it's going to be an absolute thrill ride to watch. Keep America great ya'll and don't forget to purge!

Check out the trailer here

Alright enjoy your weekend everyone! I have no money as usual so I plan to lay on the couch all weekend and watch some horror movies. Hopefully reviews soon!

Stay spooky!

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