Friday, April 22, 2016

I turned another year older and watched Hush!

Ya'll it is a warm and rainy spring evening up in here and I've got two horror movies on deck ready to go. But yesterday was my birthday!!!!! I turned 55 years old.

Just kidding, it was 27. And the day was glorious filled with superhero gifts and star wars cards (honestly you could've switched my birthday with an 11 year olds' and they wouldn't have noticed) and I also got a hair cut. For the first time in 5 years. I got a foot of hair cut off of me. And still have a lot left. You could probably farm me for my hair it grows so damn fast and long ya'll.

But the point of all of this is.....I ended my birthday the only way I wanted watching a horror movie. And since I've heard nothing but good things about it...I chose...............

HUSH (2016)

“If you can’t run, hide, or wait… what does that leave? Kill him.”

Oh mama, this was a goodie. I'm already terrified of home invasions (ya'll know this is my greatest fear) so I knew I was going to be creeped out. But with an original premise, a great cast, and a foreboding setting...this movie went above and beyond expectations and I can now see why everyone is raving about it!

It was directed by Mike Flanagan and written by him, and star Kate Siegel. These are the same amazing people who brought us Oculus. It tells the story of Madison, a deaf author who lost her hearing when she was 13 (nightmare inducing in it's own right). She lives by herself in a house in the woods and is currently trying to finish her second novel (my dream life). After her friend Sarah visits and leaves, an intruder appears on her property dragging Sarah who he has murdered. He realizes Madison is deaf and decides it will be fun to torment her. Chaos ensues.

Oh boy, this movie was so GOOD. Like I said, the premise alone is amazing - a deaf woman being hunted in her own home by some rando fucked up intruder (they never explain who he is or why he's there and I didn't even care). And the movie manages very well to keep you creeped out. With scenes like Madison sitting on her couch on her laptop, while the intruder walks right behind her and steals her phone. Or when Madison writes a message in lipstick on the glass telling the intruder (who's been wearing a mask) that she didn't see his face so he's free to go and she won't tell.....then the intruder just straight up takes off the mask and grins. Oh fuck.

It also does a great job of giving you a sense of what Madison is going through with the clever way the film mutes the sound so all you can hear is her breathing. Or sometimes you can hear the voice she hears in her head.

Madison is an amazing final girl. She's tough, she's ruthless, she's smart, and she's a damn survivor ya'll. I'm obsessed with her! OH! AND! They show Madison's bookshelf and she has Stephen King books on there soooo errrr....did we just become best friends?

The movie is creepy, not scary, there are basically no jump scares, but I had a great time watching it. There's only 15 minutes total of dialogue and you barely even notice. It was an amazingly original idea on a common theme in horror, and although there were a few plot holes or very questionable choices being made, it didn't pull you out of it. It was more fun to just scream SMASH HIS HEAD WITH A HAMMER WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU GURL?!?!

Loved it, will watch again, will aggressively recommend.

(also keep an eye out for Before I Wake from the same writer and director. Looks amazing. Did Mike Flanagan just become one of my favorite horror geniuses? Yeah, I think he did)


Well done Hush!

gif credit

Stay spooky!

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