Monday, December 28, 2015

New Year Watch List aka catching up from 2015


To-watch list: 
aka I'm cleaning out my itunes wishlist to make room for all the new and exciting horror movies we'll hopefully get in 2016.

Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension
I'm a sucker for the Paranormal Activity movies and so of course this is on my list. It's the end to it all. And although I'm sure there will be a billion unanswered questions and a bunch of open endings, I'm still willing to put myself through this probable mess so I can complete the story.
Also, this is the worst title ever.

Saw the trailer on itunes, was attracted by the poster, it's a Canadian film, it looks trippy as hell, it was well liked at sundance etc etc.

(the re-make)
I have no hopes for this. Like actual 0 hopes. The trailers made me annoyed, I hated the idea of this film even happening, I've read some pretty awful reviews. BUT I'm a strong believer in watching shit myself and forming my own opinion. Even if I'm just proving myself right.

Satan Lives
A documentary by Sam Dunn and Scot MacFadyen who decide to take a look at faith, fear and the cultural obsession with the devil. I love a good documentary. I don't believe in Satan. But I love watching crazy religious people try and defend their beliefs. Think Jesus Camp.

Man Vs
Attracted by the poster and the little blurb on itunes. Seems like a guy who has one of those discovery channel type shows goes off into the wilderness to film ends up finding something alien like or supernatural or who knows. A mix of found footage and regular film. Could be good. I do love a good nature horror film. Remember my orgasm over Backcountry back in October? 

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse 
Heard a tone about this film, it was advertised all over the place. Looks just like a horror comedy much like Cooties. Could suck, could fall flat, could be a joy to watch like Final Girls. I'll find out!

The Visit
Despite the shit I get for it - I have never given up on M. Night Shyamalamadingdong. I am constantly rooting for this guy. I mean, I've watched The Happening more than once. So his new film is something I have faith in. Regardless of all the terrible reviews I've had whispered in my ear, I am here for Shyamalan and maybe I'll be the only one that likes it. Out of pity.

The Vatican Tapes
Why do I keep thinking that these never-ending exorcist films will be good? I have no idea. But I love watching/reading about demons and I keep hoping one of these films will be bearable. And every like ten shitty ones I find a good one. So I'm addicted.

Knock Knock
Directed by Eli Roth so I'm already game. Love Roth, love his passion for horror, and love the idea of this film. Two crazy ladies tormenting Keanu Reeves. Sign me the fuck up.

Tales of Halloween
A new anthology film with ten short films revolving around Halloween night. I heard a lot of hype about this collection and the trailer looked exciting so I'm ready to re-live Halloween in December (or January depending on when I get around to it).

The Hive 
This didn't appeal to me. But I am so damn loyal to Nerdist and this is their first dabbling into horror films. I love that they're willing to support independent horror and so I also want to support their support. But hey, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. But at least I won't feel guilty.

A Christmas Horror Story
Another anthology film - this time surrounding

The Green Inferno
Again, Eli Roth. Cannibals. I almost threw up watching the exclusive clip of the eye scene. I won't say anymore. I NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE!

I also still need to watch Cub and The Boy which got slashed from my 31 days of horror list but I'm still dying to watch.

I did a list like this last year around this same time and I managed to make it pretty far through the list pretty quickly. So I'm hoping for the same enthusiasm from myself this time around. After two months of no horror films, I'm craving something good and horrifying. I also need to choose one of these for my airplane ride, because I love when nosy seat neighbors look over and regret doing so when on your screen are people getting violently murdered. 

'Till next time. I've got some movies to watch!
Stay Spooky

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