Monday, November 2, 2015

DAY THIRTY-ONE - Halloween (horror movie challenge - 31 days of horror)


The movie that re-invented the slasher genre and cast a very long influential shadow over the horror genre we know and love. Directed and scored by the wonderful and talented John Carpenter, and co-written along with Debra Hill, it tells the terrifying story of a six year old Michael Myers who murders his sister and is then put into a psychiatric hospital. 15 years later he escapes and returns home, stalking through the neighborhood and killing anyone that gets in their way. Michael’s doctor, Sam Loomis is chasing after him, while Laurie Strode is in the middle of it all, fighting for her life and the lives of the small children she is babysitting on Halloween night.
This is the first film in the Halloween franchise which includes 7 films and stars Jamie Lee Curtis in her debut movie role. Halloween is sort of the first time we experience clean cut youth being sexually promiscuous and drinking, only to be killed by the monster, whereas our main girl is pure and innocent and manages to survive. This is copied to this day whether it was on purpose or not.
Filmed on a smaller budget, it’s a well-known fact that Halloween was in fact filmed during the spring in California instead of on Halloween in Haddonfield where it’s set. To save money, they re-used the fake fall leaves, picking them up after every shot and re-scattering them the next day. The iconic Michael Myers mask was in fact a Captain Kirk mask that cost them $1.98 back in the day. They widened the eye holes and spray painted the skin to make it what we know today. Even the costumes weren’t safe from the small budget – most of the cast wore their own clothes and Curtis’ clothes were purchased for less than $100.

In 2007 Rob Zombie re-booted the franchise, while not for everyone, I think he did a great job and gave us a deeper and richer background of who Michael Myers is and why he does what he does.
Carpenter's Halloween is an absolutely stunning film that’s carefully put together. Michael Myers is simultaneously everywhere and nowhere, causing you to be checking behind every door and in every closet. There’s not a lot of gore, but a scary amount of unnerving moments. Michael Myers is impossible to kill and a silent, deadly force ready to haunt your nightmares.

Always a 10/10 and a must-watch for any budding horror fan.

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!
I watched 31 horror movies in 31 days. I can take it easy for the rest of my life now. I've finally managed to achieve a goal.

So obviously you won't be hearing from me every single day going forward, but I've gained so many new viewers and that's kind of amazing. I will continue to share and update like I always do - horror movie reviews and news!

Stay spooky!

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