Wednesday, October 14, 2015

DAY THIRTEEN - The Houses October Built (horror movie challenge - 31 days of horror)

 Lucky number 13! The Houses October Built. I actually watched this around Halloween last year but we had a few friends over so it wasn’t really watching, more talking and yelling over it while the movie happened in the background.
This is a found footage film following a group of friends who are on a quest to find the scariest haunt they can. A haunt being the haunted houses that people create and set up every year for Halloween. This group have heard of a really obscure one that you need a password to get into, and so they travel around the back country of America, going into haunts and searching for this unique, secret one. But along their journey they are slowly being terrorized by a group of people dressed up in costumes. When the friends finally discover the password, the haunt is WAY more than they bargained for.

Houses is the directorial debut of Bobby Roe, and as far as first films go…he did a great job! When they’re in the houses, the found footage camera work is almost nauseating unfortunately and the ending is a hogwash of mess that you can’t quite figure out what’s happening…in a bad way. But aside from those flaws, it’s fine.
The idea of the film is unique and fun, especially for the holiday season, and the cast do a fantastic job of being natural and realistic. The costumed group of attackers remain creepy instead of cheesy and the interviews with the locals keep you entranced.

As far as scares go? There aren’t any for me, but maybe someone not so conditioned to horror films might get a little jumpy. The costumes are super spooky though and scared me more than the film itself.
Won’t watch again, twice is more than enough, and probably wouldn’t recommend unless it was for like a party/background noise type thing. 4/10.

Almost half way through now! See you back here tomorrow for day 14.

Stay Spooky!

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