Tuesday, October 20, 2015

DAY NINETEEN - Bad Milo! (horror movie challenge - 31 days of horror)

WHAT AN EXCITING NIGHT LAST NIGHT WAS! I’m completely mentally exhausted today. Not only did Canada finally get a new liberal Prime Minister, the new Star Wars trailer premiered. And oh boy. It was everything. Star Wars tickets also went on sale, and it took four of us an hour and a half to get tickets for the movie. All of the damn websites were crashing. IT WAS SO STRESSFUL. But now we’re all set to go see The Force Awakens in 58 days. V and I went to the Disney store today to celebrate and I got myself a wookie backpack and a t-shirt.
I also received the signed postcard/artwork for the new comic book written by and starring the twisted twins, my favorite lady directors and girl crush – Jen and Sylvia Soska. Cannot wait for this book!! And yeah, those are real kisses. I'm dead. Check out their new TV show premiering tomorrow night Hellavator

Another horror comedy! I just can’t get enough ya’ll. Also these are the only horror movies Mitch will watch with me, and I enjoy his company. I saw this last year but I barely remember it so it’s kind of like watching with fresh eyes.
Bad Milo! Is written and directed by Jacob Vaughan and stars the beautiful Gillian Jacobs and always hilarious Ken Marino. It’s also produced by horror favorites – the Duplass Brothers.
Milo is basically just an angry demon that lives inside of Duncan’s butt. Duncan is having a very stressful go of things with his job pressuring him, his wife pressuring him to have children, his mother dating a much younger guy, and his body reacts in a bad way. By creating a tummy demon that rips out of his butthole when he’s angry and kills the person causing the stress. Whether it’s Duncan’s boss or therapist. Duncan is worried Milo will go after his wife and so needs to find away to control Milo and get rid of his stress and anger. He can’t kill the little guy because it will basically turn Duncan into a zombie.
Milo is absolutely adorable in a sick freaky way. He’s got these big old dark eyes and gross wrinkly skin but he makes the cutest little noises and honestly, he’s just trying his best. I also love that he’s a puppet and not CGI. Keeps it nice and old school. Is it weird I cried at the end?
The film is hilarious and extremely bloody. When Milo kills people, he goes crazy and tears them apart with his sharp teeth and claws. Ken Marino does a great job carrying the film as he is the center of the story, you really feel for him when he gets so stressed and we all see ourselves in him. We’ve all been there. And thank god we all don’t have little wrinkly demons living in our buttholes otherwise the world would be a lot bloodier.
It’s a super fun, quick ride and I applaud it for its originality and creativity. It takes itself just serious enough that it pulls off very easily the absolutely insane story. I’m sure I’ll continue to re-watch and would recommend it to any horror comedy fan. 9/10.

My next two movies are documentaries, one about a horror film, and one about the paranormal, and I’m super excited to watch both. I honestly can’t believe Halloween is next week and I have to do my presentation of The History of Horror and frankly I’m terrified. I also don’t want the movie challenge to end. I’ve never made it this far before so it’s all very exciting.
See you back here tomorrow!
Stay Spooky!

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