Sunday, September 27, 2015

Would you rather stab someone with an ice pick or...stab someone with an ice pick?

I have tried so hard not to watch horror movies in the last two weeks leading up to October. But I failed miserably. Well, not miserably. But pretty bad. It started with Stephen King's birthday where I watched Misery in his honor. Then, in my defense, Mitch watched one by accident yesterday so I joined in. You know when you finish a movie on Netflix and it starts playing another one that resembles the film you just watched? Mitch watched Braveheart and Netflix felt it appropriate to start playing Would You Rather. Because fucked up dinner parties and freeing Scotland are one in the same. Of course, when Would You Rather was over I felt it was time to show Mitch Creep...which he actually enjoyed! I think he needs to have more faith in horror movies. But I'm not going to take for granted that my boyfriend watched THREE horror films with me this week. He the real MVP.

And after a weekend of bingeing reality TV (have ya'll seen The Quest?! That show is fucking epic), I decided to cleanse my palate today by watching Inner Demons.

So...let's talk about Would You Rather and Inner Demons, because that's what this blog is all about....

First up;


Obviously, since Netflix felt this was the second best thing to Braveheart, I went into this film knowing nothing. I've seen the film on Netflix for AGES but the movie poster always put me off. The actual poster which I didn't post here is a close up of an eyeball with a razor blade being held against it. I've got a real issue with eyes or teeth in horror movies. I just wanna internally combust.

So this movie came out in 2013 and stars Brittany Snow who you may know from any romantic comedy ever. It also stars one of the dudes from Trailer Park Boys. Jeffrey Combs also plays the villain in this film, and you may know him from Re-Animator. And the only redeeming quality of this film.

Premise? Brittany Snow is caring for her sick brother and her parents are dead and there's debt and hospital bills and etc etc so after being introduced to Jeffrey Combs character who is an eccentric millionaire, she agrees to compete in a game at his home and accept the money he's offering.

This girl has obviously never seen House on Haunted Hill, or The Haunting or any movie ever where an eccentric millionaire invites a stranger to his house.

When Brittany Snow's character arrives at the house she's introduced to the rest of the players of the game and as they all sit around the dinner table they realize this game wasn't as easy as they all thought.


The game is the sleepover of pre-teen girl favorite - would you rather. Aka, at a sleepover, you would say "would you rather - kiss your math teacher or kiss steve? (steve probably has really bad acne and BO)" all the girls squeal and say things like, "YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE" "OMG GROSS STEVE'S ADOPTED".

Only this version of the game is a lot more violent, and sounds a lot like the game I would've played if I ever got invited to sleepovers. Would you rather whip someone at the table? Or stab someone in the leg with an ice pick?"

At first the group of players tries to stick together and beat this quirky mustache wearing millionaire at his own game, but soon it all falls apart as they realize only one of them is getting out of this game alive.

The premise of this movie was outdated and boring. Other films have done a way better job at this. The "shock" ending was predictable. Where there needed to be emotion, and would cause you to feel emotion, especially the ending, there was none. I'm not surprised though.

The plus side of the film is that it's actually quite fun to watch with other people because there's lot of gory moments you can yell at together, and inevitably you're going to talk about what you would do in that situation.

Ice pick, I would always choose the ice pick.



I've actually wanted to watch this for awhile. I had it on my to-watch list last year after seeing the trailer. I liked the premise because I am a sucker for Intervention. Like, I luuuuurve that show. I could sit here and watch it for hours. Which I have done, on many a day. So an Intervention type reality show films a drug addicted girl who turns out actually has a demon inside of her and is using the heroine to dull the demon. And you know what, I actually think that's a pretty unique idea. The drugs numbing the demon, not the documentary style found footage demon possession horror film.

The movie came out last year and stars Lara Vosburgh who is devastatingly beautiful. This is also her first film and I think she did a really impressive job.

The first part of the film introduces us to Carson (the drug addict) and her family and the film crew. The production assistant is a young guy named Jason who is a rookie at all of this. He gets emotionally invested in Carson and struggles to stay behind the camera. He's also the only one who believes that she's possessed. Carson seems pretty calm about being possessed tbh, that might also be because of the heroine, but she knew exactly what demon was possessing her and she was very meh about it. She's also a teenager though, so, ya know.

She gets taken into a rehab facility where she detoxes which allows the demon to come through. Jason tries to help her as she completely loses control. Eventually he injects her with heroine which calms down the demon but also gets her kicked out of rehab and back into her parents home.

It was definitely a bit of a slow build like most possession movies are but I really did enjoy it. When the demon was shown they relied very heavily on CGI which was a bit disappointing. And in the final scene which I didn't see coming for once, the CGI kind of pulls you away a bit because it's so noticeable.

I was also really annoyed about how chapped Carson's lips were. I kept applying lip chap to my own lips while watching it because I was so bothered by it. So at least my lips are silky smooth now.


Well, October is next week and so begins the 31 day horror movie challenge. This is my third year of attempting it but I have not been able to complete it. So, I'm not promising anything, but I've got a good feeling about it, and even less friends than last year, so I really have no excuse.

Sofia will also be participating in the challenge, I sent her the completed list last week. This is her first year. She's also in high school so if she manages to pull it off she deserves a damn medal. Or I'll get a call from her teachers asking me to explain why Sofia has flunked all her classes for the sake of a horror movie challenge. She will also be writing reviews of the movies which I will post here alongside my own. She's a horror newbie so I thought it would be an interesting perspective.

I'll post the list later. It's completely selfishly catered to me so don't get your hopes up. BUT if you do wanna join in, leave a comment!

Anyway, tonight is the super moon/lunar eclipse or something? So I'm gonna go summon Satan and stuff.

Stay spooky!

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