Monday, February 23, 2015

Watching Oscar movies after the Oscars because why not?

HorrorBound watches Oscar movies!

The Oscars were on Sunday and although this year I only saw a few of the movies, mostly by accident, watching the Oscars made me want to watch them all.
So far I had only watched The Grand Budapest Hotel and Into the Woods. (and obviously Winter Soldier, Guardians etc...I'm really just referring to the big movies with the big nominations).
Into the Woods was wonderful and magical and funny and sweet and heart breaking and for about 100 years I will have the prologue song stuck in my head (into the woods without delay but careful not to lose the way, into the woods who knows what may be lurking on the journey?).
The Grand Budapest Hotel was same shit different creek. Sorry Wes, I loved you when I was in art school and wore headbands ironically, but no more. All his movies start to bleed into one. (But I still love the classics).

And that's basically it.

Now it's time to embark on my Oscar journey.


Gone Girl
Last summer I read this book. Everyone kept recommending it, I saw it everywhere I looked. People would go on and on about the huge twist. I was hella ready.
I plowed through it in about four days and have never been so disappointed in a book. The "huge twist", I figured out almost immediately, called Oprah and said wtf, is there something else? orrrr? Apparently there was another shocking twist at the end. Which I reached, dragging myself the entire way, and low and behold....the mind blowing ending twist was just as awful as the first. Sorry Gillian Flynn or whatever your name is, I do not love your writing style.
When I finished the book I came out of my office, so angered by the waste of my time, that I just threw it on the floor and said, someone please take this away from me.

But the movie.....oh boy, that movie though.
The very strange and rare time when the movie is far better than the book because for some reason the director has a better idea of what the author was trying to say, than the author themselves.

I loved this fucking movie. Ooooo the casting was so good. I already want to watch it again. And that sex/murder scene.....flawless.
Gone Girl is hard to talk about because the spoilers are immense. And usually I'm pretty nonchalant about spoilers, but I'll be careful for now since it's pretty new.

Just....I loved it. Go watch it. Don't read it. (and this is the ONLY time you will hear me recommending not to read a book)

And look at this flawless Queen:

Next up was:


This film was nominated for quite a few Oscars but didn't really pull through winning wise. I've had it on my watchlist for over a year and I'm happy to finally have had the time to see it. Such a tragic and strange tale of bizarre relationships and loss and family. If you weren't interested in this story previously, I could see it being quite boring? It's very long, very slow, very quiet. But it's really gritty and has the sort of character development you can sink your teeth into. The scenery is nightmarish and dreamy at the same time. And although, if you know the story, you're fully aware of the ending, it still comes as such a shock.
A well done performance by all involved and the physical transformations from all three main actors; Mark Ruffalo, Steve Carell, and Channing Tatum were phenomenal.
This is what a film is, as cheesy as that sounds. The type of film that makes you want to analyze every moment.
And now I've fallen down a rabbit hole of Foxcatcher and the Du Pont family, send help.

Up next?
American Sniper

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