Monday, October 13, 2014

Horror Movie Challenge Day 10 to 12

Horror Movie Challenge DAY 10-12 
(Where I am challenged to watch a horror movie 31 days in a row)
The Purge
This was a re-watch. I rented it awhile ago on my ipad and couldn't figure out how to get it on my laptop and so watched the whole thing on an ipad screen. But I loved it. And re-watching it on my laptop screen where everything was bigger and more stabby, I loved it even more. Seriously this concept is super cool and I hope it never happens in real life because I cannot afford a super expensive home protection system. 
This film is set in 2022 when America has made all crime illegal except for one night a year where everyone goes balls to the wall and can do whatever they want with no repercussions. The film centers around a family who are very wealthy and the husband actually sells the home protection systems. During the annual Purge their son who is old enough now to question everything (why don't you people?) lets in a man in distress and in turn invites a whole shit load of rich white kids to attack their house. They just wanted to murder the homeless guy, bud, it's the Purge, chill out. 
Just kidding.
This whole concept is super terrifying to me but the movie is really great. Not many scares, bit of gore, and mostly just a "trapped in a house being terrorized by strangers" movie BUT enjoyable and a cool concept.

House on Haunted Hill remake (1999)
This movie scared the crap out of me as a young innocent pre-teen and although it didn't do the same job as an adult, I could still appreciate it for it was; a 90's over the top gory horror film.  They take the original concept and make it more insane, as in, literally putting it in an insane asylum and upping the money to a million dollars. It's gory, it's jumpy, there's creepy dead nurses and doctors, and the ending is so over the top cheesy you can't help but smile.

Psycho remake (1998)
Oh my god whyyyyyy is this a thing. If there was ever a time for 'don't fuck with the original'...this is it. And for a movie that claims it goes frame by frame of the original, it should expect some fucking ciritcism. What was with those artsy shots of naked chicks and storm clouds between each stab? What was with Vince Vaughn being cast? What was with this movie ever being made?
I don't know.
But all I got from this movie was some minor enjoyment as I watched it and remembered fondly the original, and when it ended, an overwhelming urge to just simply watch the original.
So....lesson learned here? Go watch the original. Forget this ever happened.

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