As a socially awkward penguin I seem to have chosen the most ironic job; a secretary. I work at a tool repair shop. There's four of us, three on a daily basis, and a dog. Which works well for the fact that I can't make friends. Now don't go ahead and throw me a pity party. I'm well aware it is my own fault. My choice of topics for conversations include books, dogs, and supernatural. Sometimes I like to complain about the weather. And when I'm really feeling friendly I'll discuss the top news topics with you, easily referencing my 4 different news apps I have on my phone. Come at me bro! I am a CNN junkie.
Unfortunately the two people I work with every day have nothing in common with me. My co-secretary is a mom of two who doesn't have internet and is very concerned about the bad ingredients of the energy drinks I pound back all day. My boss is an older man who swears a lot and basically says, "Hey," "Do this for me," and "See you tomorrow."
So needless to say, we run out of topics at about 9:30 am.
The plus side of my job is getting to wear jeans and a t-shirt every day. Which comes in handy since at the age of 22 I have blossomed my closet into one a mom would be jealous of. I'm not joking. 80% of my clothes come from Walmart or Winners. The other 20% is from Mitch's Mom buying me things. She has better taste than I do. And I'm not sure where this horrible taste in clothes came from. I literally walk past a mirror and think WHO IS THIS WOMAN? DOES SHE KNOW HER CLOTHES DON'T MATCH? Then I realize I'm yelling at myself. When I was younger I was convinced I had a flawless sense of style. But I was also drinking a lot. So I'm thinking I had beer goggles on for myself. Putting make up on is like cleaning the dishes, and shopping for new clothes is like taking out the garbage. Luckily I make up for it in my flawless sense of wit.
The sad part of it is, even moms dress cooler than I do now. It ain't the 90's no more.
Anyway, the point of all of this was me being socially awkward and working as a secretary. My job consists of talking to people in person and on the phone. Let me give you a few examples of my smooth talking;
"Good Morning, Charlotte Tools, Comax Speaking"
"Hey Charlotte, how are you doing?"
"How are you doing?"
"Great....and you?"
"How can I help you?"
"Thanks so much for helping."
"See you later."
"err.....errr....ummmm......can I put you on hold?" -hang up-
In person I am even worse. I know nothing about tools. I know nothing about human interaction except for when it comes to my boyfriend and my dog (who is not even a human).
But I do love my job. And I'm happy to be working again and not sitting on my ass all day dancing with Ellen, yelling at Dr. Phil, googling cancer with Dr. Oz, and then crying during Anderson. Although, I do miss my day time TV. Now all I can do is watch Supernatural. Ugh I know, I should start getting paid for every time I drop "Supernatural".
Mitch is taking a nap. Tony's sleeping on towels on our bed because it is very muddy and wet outside. It's still snowing. I just made so much mash potato it would blow your mind. And now I need a power nap. Being plain and boring is exhausting.
"Good Morning, Charlotte Tools, Comax Speaking"