Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hello fellow plain eater advocates,
I have returned from the dark depths of nowhere to share with you what I've been up to.
Unfortunately for you it's not really anything. Anytime something exciting happens I think to myself, damn...I should write a blog and share that with the 5 people who read it. Then I get too excited and forget where my thought process was going.

But tomorrow I am finally seeing Star Trek Into Darkness and I just got really excited about it so hence the blog. If I even post this. I actually have like ten half written drafts just lurking around on blogger. But what's the point of finishing them really? They won't make much sense two months later.

Fan expo came and went. It was filled with barely any sleep, too much red bull, fat girls in tiny costumes, Michael Rooker, meeting Sean Astin, and forcing strangers dressed as Wolverine to take photos with me. 
My birthday came and went. It was overshadowed by Fan Expo and my denial that I'm getting older. Mitch gifted me an iPad and made my life 1000x better. Seriously. I can now watch Sherlock on my laptop while reblogging on tumblr on my iPad. So obviously that's all I need.

My job is going well. Obviously I won't speak too much about it since my coworkers are aware I blog, but hopefully don't know how to find it. I'm currently working on a pretty huge research project which has turned my desk and my walls into a terrifying mess of a collage of maps and notes and god knows what else. But if you ever wanted to know what the inside of my brain looks like, my work station right now will give you a pretty good idea.
My coworkers are all wonderful and hilarious. (Just in case they do find this.)

It's been raining for what feels like five years and I'm in a permanent state of damp. But it is also that awkward spring/summer stage where my allergies go into a mental breakdown and I constantly sound like I'm trying to force a lung out and my pockets are filled with kleenexes. So obviously I'm super attractive right now.

Mitch leaves for Edmonton on Sunday for a week vacation so next week will just be me and the dog. And freaking out my neighbours when I forget the windows are open and sing Good Vibrations to Tony while doing a dance that could only be described as awkwardly awkward. 

I will be using that time to watch my favourite TV shows on the big TV while over tweeting about everything. So nothing changes really. Except when I talk out loud and no one will respond. But I'm actually quite used to that. 

Tomorrow I'm going to see Star Trek and I don't know how I'm going to make it through work tomorrow without going into some sort of fit. I'm also going by myself but am considering trying to sneak Tony in somehow. But actually thinking that through, that might actually be weirder than a girl going to see Star Trek by herself on a Thursday night....

God this is boring. Sorry about that.
I could give you a promise that I'll update more but my dear reader, I'm sure you've figured out by now, I lie every time I say that.
So set your phasers to stun, and I'll catch you on the flip side.