It has been awhile my non existence friends and readers. But I have been busy moving to BC, Surrey specifically. And now I have turned into a hippie who doesn't shave and eats the lawn for dinner.
Just kidding. I still dress like a mom from the 90's, only sometimes I throw in a little teen witch to shake it up. But I feel like since moving here I have to prove to everyone back home that I'm not a lunatic for doing this and I have no future plans for building a canoe made out of recyclables to go whale watching.
Although I would like to go whale watching.
I will share with you the three main questions I get every day of my new life;
(read with hints of sarcasm)
"How's the rain? Sick of it yet?"
Oh it's great, thanks for asking, it's actually plus 20 right now without a cloud in sight. Tell me again how it hailed yesterday in Alberta.
"Isn't vancouver just expensive?"
Why yes, if I were to purchase the entire city of Vancouver, I assume it would be quite expensive. Luckily for me I'm just renting a 6 bedroom house in Surrey.
"Aren't you going to get sick of living in Surrey? It's so far from downtown."
Aren't you going to get sick of paying $2000 for a closet in gastown?
I will let you in on a little secret though. I am not 100% happy with living in BC. I was not aware of how big, and how plentiful the spiders were out here. There was a black widow living in our garage. Until that day I had somewhat convinced myself that black widows were made up for movies and reddit. I also saw my first raccoon, which turned into a traumatic event, which then turned into a brilliant idea, which then turned into heart break.
I was outside smoking when I first saw Racky. He was lurking in the darkness of the trees and scared the shit out of me. I ran inside, while keeping one arm which held the cigarette outside, screaming at Mitch, asking if raccoons were dangerous. He continued to play MLB. Then Racky decided to keep coming back, and taunting Mitch by walking right by the patio door. He then leaped on top of the fence (Racky, not Mitch) and stared at us before strolling away to knock over our garbage can. I was not aware of how huge raccoons really are. My perceptions of them were greatly tainted by Dr. Doolittle. So after this horrifying experience I started to realize that maybe we could just domesticate him and he could become our pet. So we named him and I googled, only to find out it's incredibly dangerous and if you even want to try to tame a raccoon you have to get them when they're babies.
Needless to say, I am now on the look out for a raccoon baby.
Since moving to a new city I have also become aware of how bad my sense of direction really is. It took me three tries to find the forest. One time I thought I found it but it was just a park, which turns into Compton when the sun goes down. My second attempt of finding my way around this ginormous city was to find the library where I would claim my free library card. By the time I found it I was dying of heat exhaustion and had been harassed by an old lady. When I reached the front entrance I realized that the library was behind the train station which was a route I had taken a few times already. So when I decided to head home I got cocky and bravely set forth onto my route without double checking on a map. I got lost three times. A simple trip to the library which google maps said would take 20 mins, in fact took me 3 hours.
So, my readers who have stumbled upon this because they were mislead by the relevant pop culture references in my photos, when you make the decision to up and move to a completely different province or state, just go ahead and do it. Why not? Act a little crazy, make big changes, just make sure you bring a compass. And some RAID.